I guess someone's already writing a
book about the Jerry Sandusky affair – even though the trial's only
half over. There are so many layers of metaphor in it all –
starting, of course, with the phenomenon of a college town
where football is a religion, a fetish, an obsession... and a
monolithic juggernaut that one defies only at great risk. Football
becomes, in short, a law unto itself... and when you're talking about
a place like Penn State, which sits in an isolated valley in Central
Pennsylvania, with nothing around but trees, it starts to look like
some sort of cult, with its adherents huddled together in a communal
survivalist camp, brainwashed each morning before breakfast, and
living in awe, and fear, of their rulers.
And it's not like this could not have
happened anywhere, because it could. It's just that when it happens
in a mountain fastness like State College, it starts to look like
something that happened in a kind of Never-Never Land (Michael
Jackson, white courtesy phone) (um... ). The area is even called
Happy Valley, for gosh sakes! But things are not so happy these
days, since a revered coach was accused of, and arrested for, taking
sexual advantage of a number of young boys in his charge. To indulge
in typical media hyperbole, the mask has been ripped off what was
formerly an idyllic place and an archetypal American way of life. So
in that sense, it's a modern take on “Main Street” or “Winesburg,
Ohio” -- or, maybe more properly, "Peyton Place".
The sad drama will drone on for a while
longer – but the outcome is already considered inevitable. “Coach”
will be locked up in the perv and pedophile wing of the state pen,
and life will go on. But it's interesting how typical, in a way, the
trajectory has been – the cover-ups, the accommodations, the benign
(or otherwise) neglect... followed by “shocking revelations”...
followed by a circling of the wagons combined with great feelings of
ambivalence and disillusion. If your perfect place turns out to be a
hotbed of iniquity, and your idols turn out to have feet of clay,
where then do you go? Is nowhere safe?
And it's odd how the pendulum swings
back and forth on these matters. During the era of the child-abuse
witch hunts of the 1980s, everyone believed everything any child said
– or was rumored to have said, or was encouraged to say – about
having been abused. But as those cases (some, not all) fell apart,
we started to hear more about “false memory” than about
“believing the children” (no matter how fantastic the allegations
were) -- and this was, I suppose, one of the reasons for the
skepticism that followed, which extended to allegations of sexual
abuse by priests (and other persons in positions of power and
authority over children). The mood changed from one of hysteria to
one of caution – over-caution, some would say. Thus, what the
statisticians call a “Type I error” -- believing in an effect
which did not occur – turned into a “Type II error” --
believing that an effect which actually did occur did not. And it
all reflects the overloaded emotional content of this issue... which
courts, to give them a bit of credit, have seemed recently a bit more
willing to work through in a search for the actual facts. It will
never be an emotionally-neutral, rational, business-like affair –
this is too much to ask in a society obsessed with sex – but it may
be that we're at least on the right track.
But to all of this has been added a new
note of... I can't call it anything but absurdity. The latest
defense ploy in the Sandusky case has been to call “expert
witnesses” (there's a warning signal for you) to testify that
Sandusky “has a condition known as histrionic personality
disorder”. Um... have you ever heard of this “disorder” up to
now? I haven't. One suspects it was made up just for the purpose of
this trial, the way some alien virus will appear in a sci-fi movie
and start turning everyone into green slime as a plot point. It's
being presented, mind you, not as an excuse but as a reason –
hopefully to ameliorate, somewhat, the severity of the charges, or of
the jury's image of the accused, or of the sentence... whatever. As
a P.R. ploy it's about as effective as “I was just following
orders”, a la Adolf Eichmann.
But have you noticed that an
ever-larger proportion of society is being diagnosed (usually at a
safe distance by “experts”) with some sort of “disorder”
these days? The trend is especially marked in public schools, where
we, all of a sudden, are burdened with an avalanche of kids with
“ADHD”... problems “adjusting”... “attitude problems”...
autism... allergies, sensitivities... et cetera. I mean... you can
make this stuff up; it's not hard. Take a kid who never turns his
homework in on time – he's obviously a victim of “Learning
Non-Cooperation Disorder” in an overly structured environment that
is not sensitive to his “needs”. A kid who downs too many Cokes
during school hours is clearly suffering from “Pre-Addictive
Behavior Syndrome”. If he prefers to walk to school rather than
riding the school bus, he's suspected of having anti-social
tendencies, and falling somewhere on the Asperger's spectrum. How
long is it going to be before every public-school child is “sick”,
and thus needs special treatment and therapy – and we all know what
big bucks there are in all that. It's all part of the drive toward
nanny-statism, which is a subset of totalitarianism.
And I'm not saying that all of this is
totally fictional. When I was in grade school, there was this one
kid – the absolute bane of the teachers' existence – who would,
by today's standards, be classified as ADHD. With a vengeance! This
kid was a holy terror. I used to wonder whether the teachers drew
straws before the beginning of the school year to see who would get
stuck with this kid for the next 10 months. But hey – that was one
kid, out of the whole class (numbering 166 by the time of
graduation). And sure, we had our antisocial elements, AKA
“hoods”... our bullies... and a few “special needs” kids (who
were put, in those days, into “occupational education” -- I guess
to be made ready to work in sheltered workshops, I don't know). But
no one dropped dead from inhaling peanut fumes! I mean, good grief.
I suppose Nietzsche would call our
obsession with the “other-abled” an example of degenerate
Christian charity, and he would pronounce it not only wrong, but
downright anti-Darwinian. Nazi Germany was an example of
institutionalized social Darwinism, where the unfit had to be weeded
out in order to make room for the “master race”. (And didja ever
notice that all their exemplars of the “master race” were
muscular blonds, while most if not all of the Nazi leaders had dark
hair, and most of them were either overweight or scrawny?)
The challenge, in our time, is to try
and find the middle ground between these two extremes – but the
reason this has become one of the government's highest priorities
is that the more traditional ideas of voluntary charity have been so
seriously eroded. We don't know what to “do” with outliers, so
fall all over ourselves trying to reconcile our firm belief in
Darwinism with a warped, secular version of charity – which is not
charity at all, since it typically involves coercion, of either the
provider or the recipient, or both.
My home town had its share – some
would say more than its share – of outliers. There really was a
“village idiot” -- more than one, in fact. There were kids who
“weren't right”... old people who were senile... drunks...
bad-asses... bullies... the entire colorful panoply of small-town
characters mixed in with the “normal” people (who only got drunk
or committed adultery if absolutely necessary, and then behind closed
doors). And yes, there were “gays” and lesbians who were quite
well closeted and managed to fool just about everyone, maybe even
themselves. But here's the difference. There were no labels – or
very few. There was a kind of unschooled acceptance – these people
were a bit odd, but they were ours, OK? They belonged there; we
couldn't imagine them being anywhere else. And on those few
occasions when one was sent off to a “special school” or an
asylum, it was considered a loss more than a sign of progress or
humanitarianism. And why? Simple loyalty? Tribal cohesion? Yes,
but more than that, it might have made people think along the lines
of “There but for the grace of God...”, etc. Maybe we were all a
little bit sick. But in these times you have to be Sick with a
capital S. You have to have a “syndrome”... a “disorder”...
you have to be declared “challenged”. (Someone pointed out a
while back that people who get this label aren't really “challenged”
at all – it's the rest of us who are challenged by their presence
in our midst.)
So we get back to poor old Jerry
Sandusky. He now has a label! Praise be! He now has an official
designation, and – by implication – a place in the scheme of
things. There's a slot he fits into (if that is the word...). Even
if he goes trundling off to jail for life, at least he gets a ribbon,
or certificate of some sort – and it's not really his fault (the
objective of humanist/secular society being to remove all
responsibility for one's actions).
But where is the freedom in all this –
the freedom to simply be, without being labeled? Why are all the
various victim groups and minorities (of all sorts) so anxious to get
a socially-approved name – to be called something? To form a
lobby? To stage marches and rallies? To come up with a ribbon color that hasn't been used yet? Why does a homosexual who has
been “closeted” for 50 years all of a sudden have to “come out”
and call himself “gay”? “Gay” is not a condition, it's a
lifestyle – if he were “gay” we'd already have known it.
And then you have the pharmaceutical
industry – oy vey! For every name, syndrome, disorder, condition,
or label there is a drug at the ready – and usually more than one.
And they cost plenty! But not to worry, the government, AKA the
taxpayers, will pick up the tab. This is just further evidence that
the whole thing is a racket. And like all rackets, it starts with
something real which then metastasizes into a monstrosity. There
really were, and are, autistic individuals, for example – but who
profits when the diagnosis of autism multiplies ten-fold over just a
few years? Is the rate really going up (no time now to argue about
vaccines)? And even if so... that much? Are we really becoming a
sick society? Or has diagnosis gotten out of hand? I think what it
really is is a form of regimentation – everyone has to wear the
uniform of the state, everyone has to have a rank and an approved
specialty, and if you don't they will hunt you down. The Nazis used
to brag that they were eliminating the unfit from society – and
their definition of “unfit” was quite broad – broader, even,
than Margaret Sanger's and all the other enlightened eugenicists'.
Well, we're a bit more humane than that, I guess – we don't send
them off to death camps, but we do insist on the labeling,
cubbyholing process, and I, for one, see this as a threat to
individuality, dignity, true diversity (vs. the political variety), and
therefore freedom. There must a way to leave people alone without
leaving them all alone, if you see what I mean. Why can't even
institutionalized charity be combined with a little more respect?
The way we “celebrate” people these days is that we do so
“despite their (insert label here)”. Why can't we celebrate them
just for being whoever they are, and save the labels for canned