Once again – and as always – the
presidential candidates from the major parties are claiming to
represent “the people” -- and not just any people, but those they
have selected out of the citizenry (or non-citizenry) as being the
real people... those worthy of the name. In Romney's case,
this would include the Tea Partiers, the besieged middle class, small
businessmen, churchgoers, and conservatives in general (but not
libertarians – heaven forbid!). In Obama's case, it would include
the Occupy crowd, minorities of any and all stripes, the
“disenfranchised” (like illegal aliens, for instance), and
liberals in general (but not libertarians – heaven forbid!).
Neither wants to embrace the anti-war contingent, you'll notice; that
option has been left off the table... permanently, I fear. And they
of course both embrace Wall Street – or are embraced by it – but
it would hardly do to admit that. And as for the “rich”, well...
then it becomes a matter of semantics. Romney would defend the
rich's right to be rich – and to stay that way. Obama, on the
other hand, is all about “sharing” -- not him sharing his own
wealth, but him forcing others to share theirs. But a fine
distinction is made here: What Obama means by “the rich” is,
basically, anyone who has enough money to pay taxes and not be on
welfare; this is pretty much the same definition Clinton used. But
if you take a closer look, you'll find that all of Obama's important
supporters and boosters are really rich, I mean like...
“rich”, OK? Not just middle class or even upper middle class,
but “filthy rich”. So his attitude toward the “rich” is not
so much ambivalent as requiring fine parsing. It would never do to
bite the hand that feeds him... and he doesn't, merely providing
occasional lip service to the notion of keeping big business and Wall
Street under control. And they let him get away with it, the way a
dog owner will tolerate the occasional playful nip from his prize
But in any case, the theme is always
“the people”, however defined... however that idea is constructed
(or deconstructed) in order to leave some actual people out, and let
others in. Every politician in our time claims to be a man (or
woman) of “the people”; can you think of any exceptions? I
can't. Even in foreign lands, the worst sorts of tyrants will always
claim that they have the full support of the citizenry. Saddam
Hussein did... the Kims of North Korea did, and do... Bashar
al-Assad does... Mao certainly did... Pol Pot did... and so on. So
what winds up happening is that every war, every insurrection, every
revolution, you name it, is fought between "people" (type A) and "people" (type B). Even Adolf Hitler, tireless promoter of the “master race”
concept, claimed that he was doing it all for the sake of the German
people – not for himself, or the party, or the regime. It's just
that some of the people – as Orwell said – were more equal than
others. And after all, hasn't every communist dictatorship from the
Soviet Union on down called itself a “people's republic”, or
something to that effect?
trying to think, if fact, of the last time someone stood up and
claimed that they had a right to rule because of their own
superiority, and through sheer force. I suppose it still happens in
Africa and in some parts of Asia, but Europe and the Western
Hemisphere have long been characterized by “republics”, in name
at least, regardless of how dictatorial or oligarchic they may have
been. It's been said that “hypocrisy
is the
that vice pays
to virtue” -- and there is certainly nothing more hypocritical,
historically or in the present day, than the pretenses of “republics”
and “democracies”, and of anything in the political realm being
done on behalf of “the people” as opposed to the further
accumulation of raw power and wealth by the ruling elite. And one might say, cynically,
isn't it at least better to live with this sort of hypocrisy than to
live under a regime like that of Genghis Khan, or the Ottomans, or
the emperors of China or Japan? I'm not sure. The problem with
comforting words like “democracy”, “republic”,
“representative government”, “rights”, and so on, is that
they blind and anesthetize us to what is really going on. They also serve as hooks, in order to achieve "buy-in" on the part of the hapless electorate -- which means that we become committed, because of our naivete, to the regime and to the government, no matter how oppressive or totalitarian it becomes. If "the truth shall set you free", then distortions of the truth, AKA "ideas", can enslave.
In our
time, religion is not (assuming it ever was) “the opiate of the
people”; the real opiate is propaganda, and the single source of
that is the government, or the regime. And when I use those terms, I
am assuming that political parties hardly matter, because the overall
narrative never changes. With each election, we're supposed to use
our freedom, and our right to vote, in order to throw out the rascals
who are bound and determined to take those things away from us: Quick, before it's too late! "The most important election in our lifetime", and all that.
Problem is, the next election cycle will see the same arguments made
from the other side, and so on ad infinitum. Every election is
supposed to provide an opportunity for “the people” to regain
control of their own destiny, and take it out of the hands of the
power elite. It's kind of like the endless drumbeat of inner-city
residents futilely trying to “take back the streets” from the
gang-bangers and thugs. Well, folks... it ain't gonna happen. And
no election is going to truly “empower” the citizenry more than
they are already empowered – which is not at all. (Sorry about
that, Tea Partiers and Occupiers; the Regime is an equal-opportunity provider of delusions and disappointments.) Elections – at least at the
national level, and on most local levels as well – are a sham. One
group is played against another like Little League teams, while the
grown-ups look on indulgently -- “Poor kids, they don't realize
it's just a game. They don't know what the world is really like, and
by gosh, we're sure not going to tell them.” We hear complaints
from certain enlightened souls about “identity politics”. Hey – all politics is identity politics; that's practically the definition
of politics! Isn't it always my group against all other groups, each
one grasping for a bigger piece of the proverbial pie? Can you
imagine a “politics of all the people”? I can't. If all fire
engines are painted red, why would you say “a red fire engine”?
No, it all comes down to a contest of wills, and of power, and most
of all of propaganda – i.e. ideas, but in a degenerate, corrupted,
pathological form. It appeals, in other words, to our lowest
impulses – namely to get something for nothing. But here's where
there is, if you will, a slight fork in the road.
The liberal/Democratic argument is that “the people”
have long been deprived of their rightful heritage... their share in
the nation's wealth. In other words – going right back to Karl
Marx – they have not received sufficient compensation for their
labors... or for their very existence. So “social justice” can
only be attained if “the rich”, i.e. the non-preferred rich, i.e. the middle class, are
made to “share” their ill-gotten gains with the less fortunate
(implying, of course, that it's all a matter of luck – and the
government's job is to eliminate luck as a factor in lifestyle
outcomes). So it's not a matter of stealing, or confiscation, at all
– it's a matter of justice, of putting things right. And the
liberals/Democrats can at least claim to have the majority on their
side on this issue. After all, the majority are not “rich” by
any stretch of the imagination, and that fact alone, juxtaposed with
the fact that a prominent minority are rich, is sufficient evidence
that a gross injustice has been done, and must be remedied – not by
the marketplace or by charity, but by direct action by the
The conservatives/Republicans, on the other hand, have
this curious fixation, or fetish, on just compensation for actual
labor – and creativity, innovation, business sense, etc. ... all
those things that make up the heart of “capitalism”. They will
nod their heads with resignation when it comes to things like welfare
and the “social safety net” -- acknowledging that there are, in
fact, people in this world who simply can't handle life to the extent
of being self-supporting. And yes, maybe it's their own fault, but
what are you going to do? -- as images of urban riots start to rise
up before their eyes. But really, the race should go to the swift,
shouldn't it? Why should everyone be declared a winner, and all
receive a prize? This simply offends one's sense of justice.
there it is! That word again -- “justice”. We do not, to this
day, know what it really means – or, let's say, we have not yet
managed to plumb the depths of all of its possible meanings. It is
clear, just from the present political dialogue, that one's man's
“justice” is another man's tyranny... that the search for justice
quickly degenerates into class warfare... and that the concept of
justice is inextricably bound up with the concept of “the people”.
Inside of each candidate's otherwise empty, echoing skull is an
image – an image of “the people” (the ones who count, that is).
And right next to it (not that there's any lack of room) is an image
of “justice” -- i.e. justice for the people (by his definition).
And does it ever mean true, complete equality on all dimensions? I
daresay not – because, again, the conservative believes in just
compensation for effort, whereas the liberal believes in compensation
for all – and especially for lack of effort. For the liberal, inability to support onself is a sign of special worth -- a form of secular grace, if you will.
So “justice” must
be, objectively, a form of inequality, no matter which side one is
on. Economic justice... social justice... legal justice... they will
all be influenced, swayed, and prejudiced by one's premises as to
what true justice, i.e. true “equality”, entails. One example –
a major one – will suffice. What is “racial justice”? Is it
“equal opportunity”, as has been claimed? Clearly not. Is it
even equal outcomes? No, because that would deny the need for
“reparations”. So what “racial justice” really means is
preferential treatment for blacks, until some kind of debt is paid.
But what is that debt, and who owes it to whom? There are no living
ex-slave owners, and no living ex-slaves – so we're clearly talking
about collective guilt on the one hand, and collective entitlement on
the other. And when is it to be satisfied? What are the “exit
criteria”, as they say with regard to armed conflict? The truth
is, there are none, because the ultimate state of satisfaction cannot
be defined. A mortgage or other loan can be paid off... a prisoner
can “pay his debt to society”... but no one can ever truly repair
the damages done by slavery... or by the Holocaust, or by any other
instance of genocide or persecution. So the reparation process must
continue, basically, forever. This is a core liberal premise, and a
pillar of any liberal/Democratic political platform or campaign...
and this is what the conservatives/Republicans fight and rage
against, usually to no avail. (It is funny, come to think of it,
that we haven't heard too much about “reparations” of late.
Maybe it would be considered bad timing, given the state of the
economy. Maybe it's like all the illegal aliens who are headed back
to Mexico because they can't find work here. There might be
something to be said for recessions after all... )
And with the rise of “identity politics” -- its
overwhelming prominence – you may be sure that these issues will
become even more political “drivers” than they have been up to
now. This country is degenerating into the kind of tribalism that
overtook (the former) Yugoslavia, or sub-Saharan Africa after the
colonial powers pulled out. Groups that more or less got along, or
even formed uneasy alliances, in the past have now put up barricades
and declared jihad on one another. So politics likewise has
degenerated from the art of getting along, and of compromise, into
how best to do class warfare.
once things fall into the political realm – which means out of any
sense of moral absolutes, or principles – there is no end to it.
It's been said that “war
is the continuation of politics
by other means” -- but at least wars can be won (except for the
ones we're fighting right now). Class warfare, on the other hand,
has no – once again – exit criteria. The only way out would be
for every class but one to be eliminated, i.e. exterminated. Mao's
China and Pol Pot's Cambodia did a pretty good job at that, but there
are always those pesky loose ends – those bourgeois habits – that
seem to persist. Plus – and this is something libertarians know
but socialists never do – it takes a strong government to reduce an
entire population to the same socio-economic level, and that
government has to consist of people (until we get taken over by
robots from outer space)... and those people will, inevitably, have
to be of a different, and superior, class compared to the masses they
are overseeing. So, radical egalitarianism has its built-in
contradictions, as does socialism, as does liberalism,
American-style. There always has to be a ruling elite in order to
enforce equality. Eliminate the ruling elite and its organs, and the
natural inequality that inheres to the human race will rear its ugly
head. What, after all, does true anarchism amount to? An
opportunity for everyone to “be all they can be”, provided
they're able to fight off all the other people who are also trying to
be all they can be. The inevitable result, even given heroic charity
on the part of all, will be inequality: “The poor will always be
with you.”
if we mistake the liberal longing for justice as merely a desire to
make a few adjustments – a bit of fine tuning or “tweaking” of
the system – we greatly err. What they want, ultimately, is to
change everything, and especially human nature... the human lot.
Now, some of them are willing to undertake this project a step at a
time, over many generations; that would characterize American
liberals. But in principle they are no different from the Khmer
Rouge, who killed people for wearing eyeglasses, and blew up the Phnom
Penh sewer system because it was considered Western, colonialist, and
“bourgeois”. American liberals at least know, or grudgingly
admit, that it's hard to change any given individual... which is why
they have long concentrated their efforts on “the children” (a
subset of “the people”) by means of the schools, libraries,
social services, media, etc. But doggone it, children are still, at
least some of the time, under the influence of their parents – i.e.
of all those bourgeois, racist, sexist, gun- and Bible-clinging,
homophobic “haters”. So another pillar of any liberal/Democratic
platform or campaign – even if not presented as such – is to
draw, or force, children out from under the protection of their
parents. You might say that “a fool and his children are soon
parted” -- and this would certainly be the case for the majority,
who go along in a bovine way cooperating with the anti-family agenda
of the government (again, no matter who's nominally in charge –
because no liberal program is ever terminated by conservatives).
when it comes to “family values”... well, there's nothing like
Mitt Romney, right? His crew is starting to look like the Mormon
answer to the Kennedy “clan” (except, hopefully, with fewer sex
addicts). And wouldn't all be well for American families if he were
elected? Um... maybe, except for the small detail of sending
everyone's sons off to fight and die in far-off shitholes in the name
of “spreading democracy”, and “fighting terror”, and
“preserving the American way of life”, etc. In this, he would
not be one whit different from Bush the Second... or from Obama, for
that matter, although I must admit that the sheer volume of jingoist
propaganda has been toned down a bit of late. I haven't heard the
term “cut and run” much lately, for instance... and Obama did at
least pretend to get us out of Iraq, and is showing every sign of
pretending to get us out of Afghanistan... so maybe that's one iota
better than Romney, who would probably make John McCain his secretary
of defense and start carpet-bombing Iran before the first inaugural
ball kicked off.
am I saying it makes no difference who you vote for in November,
therefore why vote at all? Well, it's certainly true if you're under
the illusion that there are only two political parties in the U.S. --
which really means there is only one. But there are alternatives,
and I leave you to explore them for yourselves. When I first
registered to vote in Pennsylvania, I was amazed at the sheer number
of recognized political parties there are in this state – crazy
stuff no one's ever heard of, like... oh, I don't know, like –
well, here's a partial list:
it be fun if we had a “voters' rebellion” and everyone voted for
some party – any party! -- other than the Democrats and
Republicans? Now that would be a “Constitutional crisis” worth
having! But in the mean time, don't be fooled by all this talk about
“the people” -- even if you think you're one of them. Believe
me, you're not, and it wouldn't matter if you were.