One of my early memories when it comes
to “the news” -- radio news in this case – is that of listening
to stories about “fighting in the Gaza Strip”. This would have
been at least as far back as when I was in junior high school in the
late 1950s. I had only a vague idea of where the Gaza Strip was, and
knew very little of the historical background, but it was obvious
that that place was nothing but trouble... and here we are, fifty-odd
years later, and very little has changed.
Recently, a correspondent of mine
called my attention to an excellent interview with an Orthodox Jewish
rabbi – a former executive director of the American Jewish Congress
and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, no less, who
expressed grave doubts as to the morality of Israel's actions in this
latest confrontation. A transcript can be found at:
Please go to that site and read the
interview if you have the time; it is very worthwhile and
enlightening. Then, as to my own comments and observations:
To begin with, when one is confronted
with an impossible situation -- diplomatically in this case -- one
has to go back and dig a bit to figure out how it got that way.
In the case of Israel, it was all based on Zionism, i.e. the notion
that the Jews had a "right" to Palestine that superseded
all other rights, not only of other claimants but of the people who
already lived there. This was, in turn, bolstered by the myth
of "a land without a people" -- and how could this possibly
have been true? Any idiot could have seen through that scam.
And yet they made it stick. And, as far as they're concerned
Palestine was, in fact, a land without a people -- i.e.
without any people who really counted. (This was especially
true in light of World War I, which put an end to the Ottoman Empire
and made Arabs into second-class world citizens, which they continue
to be to this day, at least as far as the U.S. and Europe are
concerned. And by extension, Islam is a second-class (at best)
religion, which explains a lot of our attitude and propaganda
vis-a-vis the Middle East. We claim that we are only fighting
“radical Islam” and “terror”, but our military is subjected
to an endless stream of “orientation” propaganda that, basically,
identifies Islam in general as the enemy.)
Now, this is not to
say that the Jews didn't suffer greatly prior to and during World War
II. But the notion that this gave them the right to just move
in (anywhere on earth) and take over, and set up a country, does not
automatically follow -- although this was certainly the reasoning at
the time and continues to be. (We forget that, historically,
Palestine was not the only location proposed by the Zionists for a
Jewish homeland, even though it has much more historical salience.)
But on the other hand, what were they supposed to do? Go back
to Europe? That would have been awkward at best -- although
some did. Move to the U.S.? Again, many did, but that was
apparently not good enough -- especially given all the supposed
racist, fascist, anti-Semitic tendencies floating around this
country, which American Jews are always quick to point out even
though it's minimal, in my opinion. (Poor Joe Biden is just the
latest poster child for “latent antisemitism”, but he gets
exactly zero sympathy from me because he is an equal-opportunity
So yes, it was high time for a Jewish homeland, and
if you suggest that they owe it all to Hitler, you'll get great
indignation, but in some sense it's true. Would Zionism have
ever won if it hadn't been for the Holocaust? That's an
imponderable of history. But one thing is certain, it would
certainly have never won if it hadn't been for the support of England
and France -- and, less directly, the U.S. England was, I
suppose, glad to get Palestine off its hands, because it was nothing
but trouble (owing, to a great extent, to the efforts of Jewish
terrorists). So they could get a number of tickets punched at
the same time by simply turning it over to the Jews, with the
cooperation of the U.N. and us, etc. And again, the people who
already lived there didn't count -- and it also didn't count that the
new country would be surrounded by hostile Arab/Islamic states.
Now, anyone who expected Israel to be self-sustaining under those
conditions was smoking something mighty powerful, and it wasn't a
peace pipe.
So Blunder #1, for the U.S. at
least, was not only allowing this to happen, but encouraging it --
and, by implication at least, signing on for eternal life support of
Israel no matter what. So right away, after a decision of that
magnitude, the law of cognitive dissonance requires that we never
question Israel's strategies, tactics, or motives -- to say nothing
of its right to exist. That is off the table, period!
We've invested too much, in other words -- which is one reason why we
keep exerting and straining ourselves to "help" them come
up with diplomatic solutions to their Palestinian problem -- even
though we know that no one over there wants peace. What they
want is to get rid of the other guys. So we don't even have the
option of walking away and retaining some of our self-respect -- not
that bolstering John Kerry's self-respect is very high on my "to
do" list anyway.
In other words, everything follows from
that one bad choice back in the late 40s -- and yet most people will
tell you that we didn't have a choice, that a Jewish homeland
was going to happen no matter what, because of the Holocaust, which
we didn't do enough to prevent (the "guilt card" being
played at that point), plus all American Jews were in favor, etc.
etc. Well... logically, once we made that initial choice, it's
perfectly true that everything that followed made perfect sense --
right up to and including resurgent radical Islam (AKA "terror")
and its war on us, and our war with it. Because Israel became,
overnight, a very large thorn in the side of the Arab/Islamic world
(literally, if you look at a map), and they could never "get
used to" its existence, and they could never forgive us for
aiding and abetting it. So over time, various segments of the
Islamic/Arab world became radicalized to varying extents, the most
extreme version to date being ISIS, or whatever they're called at the
moment. (Remember when the most radical terrorist on earth was
Arafat? Those were the days!) And things went into a
cyclic mode, where the Arabs would do something, and Israel would
react, and the Arabs would react to that, and so on ad infinitum --
the Gaza situation just being the latest in a long line. And
when it comes to "proportionality" -- well, what does it
mean when each side really wants the other wiped off the face of the
earth? In that case, even total war would be "proportional",
as it was for Hitler vis-a-vis the Jews. He didn't just want
the bankers, professors, and businessmen out of the way -- he wanted
Anne Frank too. That's total war, fans. So according to
that ancient -- Old Testament, if you will -- attitude, Israel should
simply line up a bunch of bulldozers at the border of Gaza and start
rumbling toward the sea until there is nothing left. Well?
Isn't that what everyone really wants? And the thing is, they
could probably get away with it -- at least as far as the U.S.
government is concerned, except for one small thing, and that's the
small remnant of Jewish morality (Old Testament again -- but a
different part) that has served to stay their hand to some extent.
The irony is that after all that has happened, they are still
concerned about their “image” -- in the U.S., Europe, and the
world in general, but maybe most importantly to themselves. Contrast
this with the moral stand represented by Rabbi Siegman -- by which I
mean a real moral stand, faith-based, not the mythical "moral
high ground" occupied by secular Jews (including the Israeli
leadership) based on the Holocaust and antisemitism down through the
The basic choice in question is
this: Which is more important, Jewish morality or Jewish
tribalism (as represented by Zionism and Israel)? Now, some
might say, but aren't they the same thing? -- and there are certainly
countless attempts to "spin" Israel's actions in order to
make them appear moral, i.e. not just the actions of a country with
enemies trying to survive the only way it knows how. And yet
morality, it seems to me, ought to transcend questions of race,
ethnicity, nation -- even of religion itself, if we want to talk
about Natural Law. In other words, "is it not written"
that some things are evil, or bad, in all times and in all places,
and no matter who does them? Obviously, this is a minority
point of view in these times or moral relativism (which really means
amorality), and in most places, but it's one that people of faith
tend to agree on. The supreme irony, of course, is that
morality from on high -- i.e. from God -- is something that the Old
Testament Jews "discovered", and passed on (perhaps not
entirely willingly) to Christians, who passed it on (quite
unwillingly) to Moslems. So the "people of the book"
all agree on this -- or at least they did at one time.
the current troubles in the Middle East involve believers (the
Islamists) waging war on nonbelievers (most Israelis and most of us).
But even this can serve to explain a few things. For example,
why was ISIS able to so easily, and rapidly, take over large swathes
of Iraq and Syria? Because they stole all that American
equipment? But the Iraqi forces had that equipment first.
OK, then -- because they robbed banks? Right. They were
full of Iraqi money. No, it's quite simple -- they were
fighting for an idea. A wrong one, or an extreme one, arguably
-- but people fighting for an idea will always be more effective,
other things being equal (or even if not), than people who are just
doing it for money, or because they were forced, or for fun, or to
show off, or whatever. Ideas are a "force multiplier",
as the saying goes -- and the more radical the ideas, the more likely
they are to succeed in this way. Recall Mohammed's conquest of
the Middle East and North Africa? How about the Crusaders?
How about the Spanish Conquistadors? All fighting enormous
odds. How about the American colonialists vs. England?
The Bolsheviks? The Nazis? And yes, how about the North
Vietnamese and Viet Cong vs. us? How about the Afghans vs. the
Soviets? These are all cases where the winners should not have
won -- should not have even come close to winning -- if manpower and
resources were all that mattered. On the other hand, why do
armed forces that should know what they're doing, and should be able
to accomplish something, tend to vanish in the face of an enemy
attack? (Think the Iraqi army of the present day.)
They're fighting for all the wrong reasons -- or for no reason at
all. They are “summertime soldiers” who cut and run when the
going gets tough. They run, hide, and blend in with the populace,
while the ISIS types stand up on the highest available hill and wave
their black flags.
So if Rabbi Siegman represents
traditional, Old Testament-style Jewish morality, he is clearly in
the minority not only vis-a-vis Israel but also vis-a-vis American
Jews, who have been seduced into tribalism as well as materialism
and, if not outright immorality then at least amorality. And, I
hasten to add, there are Jewish voices of dissent on this issue, one
of the more prominent being the Neturei Karta organization. But
they are drowned out by not only mainstream Jewish organizations, but
by Israel's facilitators in the media, politics, government, etc.
It is encouraging, though, that there are chinks in the armor, and
that more and more people both here and overseas -- including Jews --
are starting to question not only Israel's actions in Gaza and
elsewhere, but asking even tougher questions. For example, is
the State of Israel one gigantic mistake? Was it doomed from
the start to be an amoral, bullying presence in that part of the
world? Or to put it another way, could Israel survive if it
strictly adhered to the same Jewish moral concepts that American
rabbis, teachers, and writers are so fond of citing? And if the
answer is no, what then? Do we get a civil war of words among
Jews (assuming we don't have one already)? And what will the
consequences be in the long run?
And, if Israel
represents the "best and brightest" of Judaism, but if it
turns out to be an amoral establishment, then what does this say
about Judaism? Is Israel's failure Judaism's failure? To
the extent that Jews "cling" to Israel as their last, best
hope in the world, this would seem to be an unavoidable consequence.
And yet, asking the world's Jews to distance themselves from Israel
based on moral considerations? Especially when we (the U.S.)
won't? That just seems wilder than any pipe dream.
Siegman reflects this dilemma when he says, "When one thinks
that this is what is necessary for Israel to survive, that the
Zionist dream is based on the repeated slaughter of innocents on a
scale that we're watching these days on television, that is really a
profound, profound crisis -- and should be a profound crisis in the
thinking of all of us who were committed to the establishment of the
state and to its success."
But it's not just about
Israel and the "moral high ground" -- or any ground at
all. It's also about the U.S. If our original support for
an Israeli state was a blunder (in both practical and moral terms),
haven't things just gotten worse in the meantime? And hasn't
what I call "the Israel bill" -- the amount of American
wealth that has been squandered on Israel and on the results of that
"eternal alliance", including 9/11 and the "war on
terror" -- eaten a hole in our economy (amounting to many
trillions of dollars) that can never be filled? Haven't we, in
other words, not only placed ourselves on the same questionable moral
level as Israel, but also insured our own economic doom because of
this relationship? And some people will say, well, that's what
we get for having gotten involved in the first place -- except the
people who got us involved are long gone, and we're the ones
suffering the consequences. Others will say, "but it was
worth it" -- and into this category I place the Evangelicals.
And sure, if preserving the State of Israel as the key to history is
your top (or only) priority, and you're willing to see this country
go down the tubes as a result, then OK -- but you should at be honest
about it, "man up", and move to Israel, it seems to me.
And I don't mean just go over there for a couple of weeks and cruise
around on air-conditioned tour buses; I mean take up arms and fight,
the way American communists did in the Spanish Civil War.
Still others will say it's karma -- or something like karma.
It's not just about a single blunder back in the late 1940s, but
about an entire history of bad ideas, or good ideas with bad
consequences, or just human nature taking over and neutralizing all
of our fondly-held ideals. This is also possible. At any
rate, it has become the case, on many levels, that "as Israel
goes, so goes the U.S.", for good or ill. Our "eternal
alliance", while it makes for great speeches, is a two-edged
sword, and we are finding ourselves on the cutting side more often
than not.
So, in this sense, while Israel is responsible for
its actions in Gaza, so are we, because they could not do what they
do without our support. And we can't just dismiss or excuse it
with some lame statement like "well, it's only temporary",
or "things over there aren't the way they are over here".
The Israelis talk about “existential threats” -- why don't we?
Doesn't our own self-preservation count for anything? Our
politicians are forever claiming that there is "no daylight"
between us and Israel, in any respect -- so OK, that basically means
that Israel and the U.S. are, for all intents and purposes, the same
country... which means that anything they do, we have also done, and
vice versa. This fact has not escaped the attention of the
rising number of skeptics and protesters world-wide (including, as I
said, plenty of Jews). Will their efforts bear any fruit?
It would be great if they did, but you'll excuse me if I have my
doubts. It is just possible that, rather than being in a position of
making history, we are in the position of being trapped by it. And
it's not as if what might come after – after the deluge, as it were
– is any better. Russia and China are keeping an eagle eye on the
proceedings from their front-row seats, waiting for opportunities to
take advantage of the situation; they have their agendas the same as
we do. A fundamentalist Islamic Middle East and North Africa – and
its extensions into South and Southeast Asia and even Europe – is
not likely to be a good neighbor. We and the European colonial
powers thought we had long since “tamed” Islam, but now it
appears that we just drove the radical elements underground for a
while – or, worse, did things that aided and abetted said radical
elements, or even, in some cases, created them. And these are people
with a world view that we can barely comprehend – absolutist and
uncompromising. And yet, the same could be said of some elements on
our side. Suddenly it seems that the “reasonable people” are in
the minority, caught between two armies of fanatics. Perhaps the
“rule of law” and “triumph of reason” were only brief
episodes in an otherwise grim and violent historical saga.