This is the time of year when I feel
compelled to shed the light of reality on the inevitable
nationalistic zeal. After all, in an ideational society, what
holiday could be more important than one that celebrates the idea of
independence – although true independence, from the follies of
other nations and the machinations of the internationalists, is
something we haven't experienced in generations. What if, for
example, we were to declare independence from the U.N.? Or NATO? Or
Israel? Or all of our ill-conceived “mutual defense” treaties?
Now that would be something worth celebrating. As it stands, other
countries are more likely to want to declare independence from us –
and many have tried, with varying degrees of success. And really,
the notion that, save the Revolutionary War, we would still be a
British colony at this late date is somewhat quaint, to say the
least. Something would have set us free, just as something would
have ended slavery even without the Civil War.
This year we are experiencing a double
dose of the usual fervor – not only Independence Day as usual, but
also the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg,
AKA the “high water mark of the rebellion” (meaning that the
Confederacy penetrated the farthest into Union territory at that
point). Now... the conventional wisdom, and what is taught in the
public schools, is that the Civil War was fought to free the slaves.
Well, no. That, at the very most, would be an example of what is now
called “mission creep”. At the time, the stated mission was to
“preserve the Union” -- although one could question what was so
all-fired important about preserving the Union that it merited all
that death and destruction. What would have been wrong, for example,
with redefining the “Union” as consisting of the Northern states,
and letting the Confederacy go on their merry way? And no, Southern
slavery would not still exist in the year 2013. In fact, blacks
might also be less politically enslaved than they are now, by the
liberal establishment and by their own leadership. We'll never know.
But the conventional wisdom is at least
turning slightly toward an idea that honest historians have been
aware of all along – namely that one of the main motives for the
Civil War was profit, pure and simple... on the part of Northern
industrialists and merchants. What, you say? “Commercial
interests” having had a major hand in our most hallowed and sacred
war? Blasphemy! Well yes, children, I'm afraid so – even as they
had major hands in all of our other wars, including the first. Now,
would the Civil War have been fought only for economic reasons? Or
only (as is sometimes alleged) to preserve the Union? Or only to end
slavery? What's more likely is that it was another one of those
perfect storms – the cards were stacked against the South and
sooner or later something had to give. Whether it had to “give”
in such a catastrophic manner could still be debated, of course. The
main thing is to mature in our thinking – to grow up and admit that
wars are seldom, if ever, “pure” -- meaning based solely on sound
ideas and principles, or alternatively on genuine defense of home and
hearth. The implication, of course, is that few if any wars are
truly “just” in the sense of Catholic teaching – and I do not
hesitate to assert this. One can argue the righteousness of a cause
(anti-slavery, for example) without having to go along with total war
as a cure. In fact, a recent example is instructive. Communism of
the Soviet kind collapsed of its own weight, as did the Soviet
Empire, without a shot having been fired from our side; thus, we see
the merits of occasionally waiting for history to happen.
Another thought occurs to me. Even if
the Civil War was not “just” in the strict sense, it certainly
did accomplish a worthy (if discovered) goal – namely the end of
slavery. Was the South punished too much for having had that
“peculiar institution” for so many lifetimes? After all, it's
not as if slavery was all that rare even in that era, to say nothing
of historically. Down through the ages, one people has been
subjugated by another, and slavery – or at least serfdom, or
second-class citizenship – is often the result (except for outright
genocide, which very seldom succeeds anyway). But this is where
ideas clash. Slavery in China in 1861 would not have attracted much
notice, nor slavery in “black Africa” -- even though Russia did,
in fact, eliminate serfdom in that year (an intriguing coincidence,
when you think about it). But we had to stand up, every day – or
at least the South did – and hold up the founding documents with
one hand, and slave ownership on the other, with a big “except”
in the middle. And for an ideational people this contradiction was a
bit too much to bear. Plus, slavery had, over the years, generated
so much bad karma that the South was laboring under that karmic
burden, whether they realized it or not (Lincoln did, and said as
much more than once, even though no one ever accused him of being a
Buddhist). So you have that crushing burden on the one hand, and
economic factors on the other, plus this zeal to preserve the Union
at all costs... and the fate of the South was sealed before the first
shot was fired. So even though the war was not strictly “just”,
it may have had cosmic significance that the participants were, by
and large, only vaguely aware of. Which is another way of saying
that sometimes injustice on the one hand, or on one level, can exact
a kind of justice on the other. One could also say that in war, the
participants seldom know what they're really fighting for – but
neither do the leaders. Lincoln was enough of a thinker to
understand the situation, even though he was clearly not above being
influenced by baser motives as well. Perhaps he saw the war as a
sort of purification exercise – to rid the Republic of its last
besetting sin, or major character flaw. If so, he has to be credited
with some success, since none of our sins and shortcomings since that
time have quite risen to the level of outright enslavement of one
race by another on our home soil. Our sins are great and many, to be
sure – but at least that one malevolent growth was excised.
So what am I urging here? That we turn
our backs on this double dose of patriotism – on these four days?
Far from it. The idea is to dig a bit deeper than we typically do,
and try to see historic events... well, number one, as people saw
them at the time, rather than with the many-layered veneer we insist
on applying in order to force them into a preferred ideational box.
There are no historic events without ambivalence – without
naysayers and outliers. We need to study their points of view as
well, because – hey! -- look at what we're going through in our own
time. If we could look at an establishment history book 100 years
from now, would we agree with what it said about our time – i.e.
with the approved narrative? Not likely; we'd probably roll on the
floor with laughter. I'm old enough to witness a lot of revisionism
about events that happened in my own time, and find it quite
refreshing, frankly. The only thing is – it tends to reinforce
yesterday's conspiracy theories, and that implies that today's
conspiracy theories may, someday, turn into conventional wisdom.
It's something to ponder.
So accepting that the Civil War was
bigger than any of its participants, with the probable exception of
Lincoln, imagined... and that it was corrupted by greed and
commercial interests... and that it was not nearly as much about
slavery as we would like it to have been... and being willing to
debate the question, was preserving the Union really worth all of
that sacrifice? -- it's almost a waste of time to ask whether it was
a just war, or a necessary war. On some (most, actually) levels it
was unjust, and unnecessary. But karmically, it may have been quite
necessary, or at least inevitable – the way the destruction of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki had more karmic than military significance.
Just as “ideas have consequences”, bad ideas generate badness –
karma or whatever term you want to use – and a price eventually has
to be paid. The nearest our government comes to acknowledging this
these days is when someone talks about “blowback” -- but they
usually talk about it as if it's undeserved, and a surprise, when it
may be richly deserved and not the least bit surprising.
Moving on to Independence Day – and I
don't want to rain on anyone's parade here. Parades are fine things,
after all – if only (1) those fire trucks and rescue vehicles would
quit blowing their sirens once in a while; and (2) “marching”
units would actually march, rather than walking; and (3) the Boy
Scouts would wear complete uniforms, rather than jeans; and (4) we
could, once and for all, get rid of all those wizened old Shriners in
their stupid red fezzes and three-wheelers; and (5) bands would
actually play music rather than stumble along like zombies. But I
Again, whether the Revolutionary War
was strictly “just” -- well, I'll leave that to historians and
Pat Buchanan. But it did happen, and it was, in fact, fraught with
all the usual ambivalences, dissents, doubts, and debates as any
other conflict – but we forget all of that, since, as has been
often said, the victors write the history books. And if we hadn't
outgrown colony status at that point, we certainly would have
eventually. Plus, we had our own fortune to seek and our own fate to
encounter. We had the American Experiment, which was tried by fire
in the Civil War and thus changed irretrievably (and many will say
regrettably). But even here there are controversies. Some will say
that Progressivism was the beginning of the end of the American
Republic with its independent, rugged, self-sufficient citizenry...
and others will say that that era was the beginning of the
realization of this country's true destiny – to be a humanist
Utopia, not just for the elite but for the many. This debate was
re-ignited by the New Deal, and again by the Great Society, and now
we have Obamacare. The controversy rages on a daily basis – what
does it mean to be American, which (by implication) will tell us what
constitutes being un-American, or anti-American. And so on. The
question still hasn't been settled yet, in all this time – which
ought to tell you something about the durability and usefulness of pure ideas.
And then on the foreign policy side,
did Manifest Destiny always refer to the American Empire, as opposed
to westward settlement? The neocons certainly seem to think so.
Were our ideas always meant to be spread world-wide – by military
force if need be? But doesn't coercing other countries and peoples
to conform (or pretend to) to our ideas and our ways violate our own
founding principles? Aren't we chronically caught in a maze of
contradictions? Ideas are fine, but when you add “missionary zeal”
you start to get into morally questionable territory – not to
mention “blowback”.
So the Experiment has run up against
sharp rocks of late, and I wish I knew what to make of it in terms of
the long view. Does it mean that it was a bad idea, and that it
would never have worked? Is democracy a fanciful notion, vague in
principle and impossible in practice? Have we, in fact, been held
together all these years not by humanistic ideas (as is contended)
but by sheer cultural and moral inertia from centuries of
Christendom? (In which case, by suppressing religion, as we are now
doing, are we not cutting off the branch we are clinging to?) Or –
are we victims of some inevitable historical cycle, whereby any idea,
no matter how good it was to begin with, is bound to deteriorate and
decay and become more of a burden than an asset? In which case, can
we at least claim that the American Experiment was good while it
lasted, and that it produced more good for a greater number than
would otherwise have been the case? Compared to idealism, that's
pretty thin gruel, but it may turn out to be all we have. But on the
plus side, if we once decide that the American Experiment has run its
course, we are perfectly free to jettison it, with all of its
accumulated discontents, and start anew. Yes, I really mean it –
start over. When what you have has run out of steam, and is no
longer an exemplar but is part of the problem, the truly radical,
“progressive” thing to do is not to tweeze and tweak away at the
margins, but start from scratch. (And here I was starting to worry
that I'm not radical enough.)
So in the face of all this ambivalence,
and “on-the-other-hand”-ing, and levels of motivation and
idealism vs. crass materialism, and a wide array of “truths” (as
Bill Clinton might say), is there any possibility of a true
patriotism? Or do we just stand on the sidewalk and wave our flags
with an air of quiet desperation? I think part of the answer is that
our natural patriotic impulses have been, over the years, hijacked
and misdirected by people with an agenda – by cynics, power-crazed
politicians, and, yes, “commercial interests”. There is a
natural kind of patriotism, or pride, which is pretty much universal
among the human race (except for intellectuals, internationalists,
bankers, industrialists, etc.), and it is based on the ancient
verities of blood and soil -- “blood” meaning family, tribe,
race, ethnicity, and, by extension, religion... and “soil”
meaning, simply, land – the place of one's birth. You will notice
that every liberal/socialist/humanist agenda to come down the pike
has this in common – that it attempts to separate people from those
things that anchor them as individuals and as groups. The “rootless
cosmopolites” who run our media and “entertainment” industry,
and dominate domestic politics, despise tradition and people of
tradition – they demean those who live on, and receive their
nourishment from, the land... they talk of “clinging to guns and
religion”... and they consider valuing one's own tribe, race, or
ethic group to be provincialism, racism, or downright “hate”.
They avoid the countryside, AKA “flyover country”, like the
plague, preferring cities which are their natural (so to speak) areas
of operation. Draw the peasantry off the land and into the cities,
with economic incentives (of both the carrot and stick kind) –
deracinate them – demoralize them – get them into the matrix
(including credit and debt) – get them hooked on “games and
circuses” if not actual drugs – demoralize them – make them
into unthinking, fear-ridden dependents – and you've got them.
You've won! And we see how successful this program has been here –
and how assiduously it's being practiced today in China. The common
theme is – cut off all roots. Make everyone as rootless as their
masters, except without the sustaining program of domination.
So I guess what I'm saying is that if
there is any possibility of patriotism in our time, it has to be in
the direction of tradition, and back to the land (in spirit if not
always in fact). And it has to be unabashed in its regard for
heritage – racial, ethnic, tribal, and religious. We have to stop
apologizing, in other words – for being real people, as opposed to
“metrosexuals” or the political equivalent thereof. And of
course, the media will be against us, as will the academy, and the
entertainment industry, and commercial interests in general – as
well as all liberals, Democrats, humanists, “progressives”....
just about everyone, in other words. So it's not for the faint of
heart. And yet if you want to stand up proud on Independence Day, or
any other day, and not slumped over like a beaten serf, it's the only
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