Friday, March 28, 2008

Men With Bangs

It suddenly struck me the other day that some of the most distorting, if not crushing, influences on the human spirit in our time are being perpetrated by men who wear their hair in bangs. To provide just a few examples:

* Bill Gates -- Who has, in effect, dictated how all the world has to think -- at least on any occasion where one is forced to interact with "automation", which, for most of us, is virtually all the time. The notion that the entire world has now become an extension of Bill Gates' brain is frightening, to say the least.

* Ken Burns -- Who, among other feats, has managed to reduce the entire Civil War -- the greatest catastrophe to ever befall the United States -- into a few sepia images and winsome tinkling on piano keys.

* George Tiller, AKA "Killer Tiller", the notorious late-term abortionist of Wichita, Kansas

* Moe (the mean bully) of "The Three Stooges"

Are there other examples out there? Please advise. Four data points are a bit meager upon which to base a theory.

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